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Had to toilet in the open in Gwalior, had to loose pockets

Had to toilet in the open in Gwalior, had to loose pockets

Publish Date: | Thu, 25 Nov NaiDunia Local 04: 57 PM (IST)

Gwalior.Naiduniya Rep. Despite all the efforts of the Municipal Corporation, the cleanliness situation in the city is not improving. This happened one thing, but even by thinking and urinating in the open, people are not ready for you today. In such a situation, it became heavy for many people to toilet in an open and public place. Corporation workers were caught while toileting in the open and they had to loose their pockets from two and a half hundred rupees per person as a punishment for urinating.

It is worth mentioning that open defecation is giving crores to the poor. To stop the trend of paying money, many toilets were constructed in the city along with the construction of toilets, but its use is rarely seen, at that time the corporation had strictly imposed on the people, but now No one is paying attention. In these circumstances, once again the situation has started becoming old, people are defecating in the open and also urinating, but today the act of urinating in the open became overwhelming for some people, while they were taken home on the spot, although some People also ran away at the place. The corporation workers ran after them but caught and fined them.

It is worth mentioning that the action of fines is being taken continuously for spreading dirt, spitting and urinating in public places. Under this, fines were taken for urinating in public places, in which two and a half hundred rupees were recovered from Sameer Khan, Suresh Rajawat, Deepak Sharma, Sanjay Malik. The situation was similar in some places too, but people ran away in fear of paying the fine. In this sequence, Deputy Commissioner Atibal Singh Yadav appointed Ward 26, 27, 62 50, in which 12 Instructed to deduct one day’s salary if the cleaning staff is found absent. Here, when Deputy Commissioner Satyapal Singh Chauhan inspected the ward 15 in Gadaipura today. to 49 out of Safai Karamcharis were missing. At the same time, a notice was served to the WHO Umesh Dohra here. In this ward, dirt was found everywhere, the complaint of the local people was that the sanitation workers did not reach daily to pick up the garbage.

Posted By: anil.tomar

NaiDunia Local

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