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Jabalpur News: Human skull tied on a tree scaring people, everyone wants to know who lost his life

Jabalpur News: Human skull tied on a tree scaring people, everyone wants to know who lost his life


Jabalpur, New Dunia Rep. This scene of Pandaji’s Madhiya Garha has started scaring people. After which everyone is asking this and is curious to know who lost his life after which his skull was tied on the tree. This blood-stained human skull has a sword on the left side and a stone statue of the goddess is installed below. All the efforts of the local residents to find out what is the secret of the skull tied to a tree on the main road, who has done this mischief, have failed.

Red splatter on skull and sword: Red paint has been splattered on the skull tied to the trunk of the tree, and the same paint has been painted on the sword. After which the scene started looking very scary. Pandit Gajendra Dubey Shastri, a resident of Supatal Gadha, says that such an act is inappropriate at the shrine. Don’t know what kind of mentality, due to which the work of tying human skull on the tree has been done. People keep coming and going on the tree on which the skull has been tied.

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Children getting scared Children also reach there while playing, which frightens them. Pandit Gajendra Dubey Shastri says that it is necessary to find out whose human skull is and from where it has been brought. People tried to find out many times but it is not known who tied the skull to the tree.
