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Jabalpur News: Khairagarh University released the time table for the examination of classical genres

Jabalpur News: Khairagarh University released the time table for the examination of classical genres


Jabalpur, AboutGyan Reporter. Many things have been interrupted in Kovid’s time. Of this, the most affected area is the examinations. Be it the exams of 12th or the examinations of subjects like classical dance and music. Examinations are conducted in the schools of dance-music in the city through Raja Man Singh Tomar University, Gwalior and Indira Kala Sangeet Vishwavidyalaya. Examinations have been taken by Raja Man Singh Tomar University but the time table for the examination has been announced by Khairagarh University. The exam will be taken on 31 May and 6 June. Which is going to include many choreographers from the city. This entire examination will be done online. Kathak Guru Swati Modi Tiwari said that online preparations are going on for the examination of students. After making five-five-minute videos, the children are putting Shrima Kathak on the YouTube tube of the back. The exam will be taken in a similar way. Students have to send videos online.

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Everyday Dance: Classes did not take place in the past, but the cultivation of dance continued every day. Students have shared their videos online one by one. Also, practice continued every day. Whoever had the problem, they call and ask and we solve their queries. An attempt has been made not to leave the students’ dance practice on a single day. The reason behind this was the preparation for the exam, as well as practicing dance, the body’s immunity also remains good. In a way, both yoga and exercise are involved in dance. Which is very much needed at this time. Students also participated enthusiastically in every activity.
