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Gwalior Health News: Heart increase among youth, doctors said – abstain from smoking

Gwalior Health News: Heart increase among youth, doctors said – abstain from smoking

Publish Date: | Fri, Sep 500 02: 55 PM (IST)

Gwalior Health News: Ajay Upadhyay,(Gwalior New Dunia). The youth are becoming increasingly heart patients. Young people’s heart rate is slowing or speeding up, which is life-threatening. The winter season is difficult for heart patients, but two months before the cold, the number of patients has started increasing. About 30 percent more patients are reaching the hospital as compared to the previous month. The special thing is that in this along with the elderly 30 from

Number of youth of the year is also close 20 is around the percentage. It is not clear whether this is the effect of corona, but doctors say that treatment during Kovid may be interrupted, carelessness in treatment, poor routine, stress of losing loved ones or unemployment in Kovid.

Emergency services continued in JAH even though the normal OPD was closed during the first and second wave of Kovid. One month ago in JAH 86 to 728 Patients were arriving with a complaint related to the heart. Whereas now this number is reaching beyond 500. However, only a limited number of 200 patients are being seen in the OPD right now. This makes it difficult for the rest of the patients. Not only older people, many people of younger age group are also coming to OPD with heart complaints. In total cases, their number is up to percent. Therefore, if there is any kind of problem, one should immediately contact the specialist.

Smoking has become a state in many of today’s youth. The ill effects of smoking have been registered not only in India but also globally. According to WHO, around 1.1 billion people smoke around the world, of which one-third years of age. Regarding the ill effects of smoking, Dr Trehan says, “Professionals smoke because they think it relieves their stress. He is ignoring the fact that it has come to the fore that it has a bad effect on his health. Cigarettes contain harmful substances like nicotine and tar and carbon monoxide is enough to cause heart damage. Today children are facing a sedentary lifestyle since childhood. There is no time for exercise, due to which genetic disorders are on the rise. Along with the rapidly changing diet, lack of fat etc., the cases of heart diseases are increasing in the youth.

Our diet, laborless life and things like stress are in the form of heart attack. I come to the fore. Prolonged exposure to stress or working in stressful work situations increases the levels of hormones such as adrenal and cortisol and increases the risk of heart attack, increased blood pressure, blood clots in the blood vessels of the heart.

Posted By: vikash.pandey

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