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Gwalior Juda Strike News

Gwalior Juda Strike News


Gwalior Juda Strike News: Gwalior, New Dunia Rep. The strike of junior doctors has now become a problem for the common man. The condition is that new patients are hesitant to be admitted to the hospital, because they are worried that who will take care of them in the hospital. At the same time, the admitted patients are also preparing for discharge. Meanwhile, other organizations of doctors have also come in support of junior doctors. Due to which the problem of government and administration can increase a lot.

In fact, senior doctors in Jayaragya Hospital do daily rounds and surgeries apart from OPD. While the responsibility of looking after the patients admitted in the hospital is handled by the junior doctor and nursing staff. Now the hospital arrangements have completely collapsed due to the junior doctors going on strike. Although the hospital management has imposed the duty of senior doctors for the treatment of patients, but due to less number, patients are still facing problems in most of the wards.

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The situation in OPD is also bad: Even in OPD, only junior doctors do the checkup of the patients. Most of the senior doctors arrive late in OPD and leave early. In such a situation, the entire burden falls on the junior doctors only. Now that junior doctors are on strike, many departments are facing problems in operating the OPD. Patients have to go late without treatment.

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Governance administration problems may increase: Senior residents have already stopped work in support of junior doctors. After this, now the Indian Medical Association has also come in support of Juda. In such a situation, it is almost certain to increase the trouble for the government administration.
