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Jabalpur News: Understood people’s pain and started giving free food to Kovid patients from home

Jabalpur News: Understood people’s pain and started giving free food to Kovid patients from home


Jabalpur, AboutGyan Reporter. Whatever the disease is, it causes mental and physical distress. And at this time, Corona has broken everyone’s back. Those whose homes are Kovid positive are having trouble even eating their houses. Mansi Gangwani, a resident of Ghampur, saw a similar problem in his family and also lost a family member. Mansi said that she lives in a joint family. When Corona faced trouble in his house, he saw all the problems from close quarters. Realizing the problems of other people in our own way, all the family members together decided to take food to the needy people. From March till now, we have 9 family members together to cook food at home and deliver it to whatever part of the city is needed.

Cooking food from seven in the morning: Mansi says that everyone starts at 7 in the morning. Through WhatsApp, we get the numbers and addresses of the needy. By 12:30 we leave with lunch. Some of our friends are also helping for this. Together we still take food on trains. Those who have numbers leave food packets outside their homes and call them. All members of the Gangwani family are engaged in this free service throughout the day. They say that what can be more for us than we can use for someone. This food is packaged and served in a plate. At the same time, great attention is also being given to nutrition. So that the patient can recover quickly.

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