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Cobra In Jabalpur: Thirsty cobra was fed water, the snake was angry due to the scorching heat

Cobra In Jabalpur: Thirsty cobra was fed water, the snake was angry due to the scorching heat

Cobra In Jabalpur : Jabalpur, Naiduniya Jabalpur. In a Sanskrit verse quoted as ‘payah panam bhujanganam kevalam vishvardhanam’, on the contrary a snake charmer gave water to a poisonous cobra snake. Anyone who saw this amazing incident was thrilled. I am holding a breath. People also told that the snake is probably a cobra. Gajend Dubey, who reached the spot immediately after this information, saw that the snake was very angry and was hissing. After struggling for about half an hour, he caught that cobra snake. During this, he understood that the cobra is upset due to very hot heat and is also thirsty. . After the snake’s anger calmed down, the snake expert caught it in a bag and left it in the forest. Posted By: Dheeraj BajpaihMp Mp

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